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I started my yoga practice when I was going through a very tough time in life. About seven years ago, I developed some back pain issues, indigestion and IBS, a very strong heartbreak, and was really struggling with mental and physical fitness. Also, I developed a deeper desire to know more about life. After trying all sorts of workout routines, and finally landing in a Classical Yoga institute, within six months, I started to feel the benefits. Dusted off all the issues and was a revived human being. This realization led me to want to bring this amazing technology of inner engineering to one and all I come in touch with. Hence I did a Yoga Teacher Training in Jan 2018. I have been teaching since then. Yoga is not about strength and flexibility, exertion, etc. It is a way to get in touch with our inner dimensions, by turning the focus inwards. As the source of our experience, joy or misery sits within us. In my class, I follow simple Hatha Yoga techniques to learn to access the deeper inner dimensions.

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