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Yoga came into my life at a time when I was seeking a deeper spiritual connection with my divine self. I was wrestling my way through life feeling disconcerted, discouraged and disconnected. I needed to find something that would nurture my holistic being and thus allow me to grow from my struggles rather than continue down this cyclical path of misery. Beyond that I was seeking a tool that would not just allow me to get past my struggles but would lead me to a point in my life where I was in full bloom and thriving, not just getting by. And so my yoga journey began: In 2018 I learned my first yoga practise- Yogasanas (Classical Yoga). In 2021, I travelled to India to deepen my yoga experience training under the guidance of the profound mystic – Sadhguru, at the Isha Hatha School of Yoga. After over 1,750 hours of intense training, I graduated as a fully certified Isha Hatha Yoga teacher. I hope to be able to spread the tools to as many people as possible. The end goal is to raise my energy system, to raise my consciousness so that I can affect those around me in the same way; and so I teach yoga.

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