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I was born and raised in Nairobi Kenya. I am a certified Baptiste yoga teacher/leader. I began practicing yoga to regain clarity in life and to restore my health from inside out through regularly practicing of Baptiste Power Vinyasa yoga flow I found the benefits were endless .It was yoga that sparked the fire of transformation within me and as a desire to deepen my practice and study. In the year 2013 I completed my first training, a two week intensive 200-hours certification with Africa yoga project and still the same year I completed level – one certification with Baron Baptiste. The experience was life changing and opened a deep connection to the practice of yoga making it a foundation of my everyday life. Once I had the opportunity to teach in the community it was clear this was a passion to teach,serve, love, give and share from my heart the gift of yoga with others, and I have never looked back. I find immerse joy, satisfaction and inspiration in seeing students discover their own personal yoga journey and hope to nurture and encourage them along their way to awaken their own healing power and to experience the joy of living more fully through the magical transformation of yoga.

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