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In December of 2022, Yoga Experiences Africa Founder Leah Nduati got to teach her first Children’s yoga class in Arusha, Tanzania. This was organised by the amazing Yoga Instructor Lucas who runs Maasai Yoga

Lucas invited Leah to teach a community children’s class in Moivaro, Arusha. The community centre holds yoga classes and other activities such as art and painting for children from the surrounding areas every Wednesday. 
Yoga is a vital tool for children to make space for self-discovery, build self-confidence and cultivate mindfulness and awareness. 

“Kids yoga is so close to my heart since my training at Bliss Yoga Accra. I believe in the power of yoga to cultivate self-awareness, self-love, confidence and emotional well-being for children. My Swahili is not that polished but the little angels were kind enough to bear with me.

The joy on their faces when I arrived and being called ‘mwalimu’ was just heart-warming. Lucas was also great in helping me remember some swahili words while teaching, I cannot thank him enough for this opportunity” 

This was the first children’s class run by our founder and she is now convinced that it will not be the last. 

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