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We are excited to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Art of Living Africa and Yoga Experiences Africa (YEA)! This significant agreement was formalized between the founder of Yoga Experiences Africa and Ankur Agarwal, a leader in Art of Living initiatives in Ghana and West Africa. Through this collaboration, We are prepared to offer a wide array of yoga styles, student exchange programs, and collaborative research projects.

At Yoga Experiences Africa, our goal is to build the largest community of trusted yoga practitioners on the continent. We are driven by the desire to connect practitioners of all levels with local instructors, inspired by the founder’s travel experiences in Africa.

The Art of Living Foundation is dedicated to creating a stress-free, violence-free society through educational and humanitarian programs. These initiatives, guided by Gurudev’s philosophy, include meditation and yoga to help individuals achieve inner peace and well-being. Collaborating with different organizations implements various humanitarian projects, furthering its mission of uniting people across the globe in a One World spiritual family.

This partnership holds the promise of supporting economic growth and development across Africa, fostering decent work and economic growth. We strongly believe in the transformative power of yoga and are enthusiastic about making this ancient practice more accessible to everyone. The agreement solidifies our commitment to working together for two years, with the flexibility to extend or modify as needed. We are dedicated to maintaining confidentiality and resolving disputes through open discussion and negotiation.

We are excited to share updates, opportunities, and inspiring stories from our partnership! Stay tuned for exciting news and developments that will inspire and motivate you on your yoga journey. Prepare to experience the transformative power of yoga like never before!

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