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My journey began when I chanced on a yoga page on Instagram in 2019, at the time I had zero knowledge on what the practice was about but personally, it was all about being able to do all those crazy yoga moves . (FLEXIBILITY) I read about the practice ,then decided to take a class. Everything else I read aside my initial goal wasn’t needed I thought . However with time as i delved deeper into the practice I realized that it was more than just been able to do all the crazy asana’s . Yoga over the years has taught me how to connect with myself and others , being patient with myself , my receptiveness to the world and what they bring , peace and contentment. It has taught me how to better communicate with the world and understanding without judgement. My name is Lorie and Iam an OFCOURSE UK and YOGA ALLIANCE certified instructor and a Ghanaian . I teach Strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and meditation. Let’s connect today

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