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My love journey with Yoga started after I developed a severe back pain problem that had made it almost impossible for me to live a normal quality life. A couple of friends suggested I try yoga, although I was doubtful at first… However, after seeing all kinds of doctors and specialists without success, I finally decided to give Yoga a try in 2015. 

I found ‘yoga for back pain’ yoga videos on YouTube, and started my at-home yoga practice. The classes allowed me to move at my own pace and do what felt good in my body. Slowly but surely, my back improved and I noticed positive changes in my mental wellness too. Being a Travel Writer, with frequent travel, doing yoga on the road helped me stay balanced and give my back some much-needed care. 

The love for yoga came later when I learned to let go of all expectations for how my yoga practice ‘should look or feel like’. And, as my confidence and curiosity about yoga grew, I joined a hot yoga class… that turned out to be such a transformational experience! It was amazing to see what the human body is capable of, regardless of age or body makeup.

 The practice of Yoga gave me my life back, and I can’t help but share my love for travel and yoga with others. I qualified for 200 RYT under Michelle Young’s school: My Vinyasa Practice in 2022. And through my beginner-friendly classes, I aim to create an environment that feels supportive of your healing journey- physically, spiritually, and mentally. I invite you to come, at any level as we share and learn on the mat.

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